Publicado por MANU MORRA el 29 de Diciembre de 2009 a las 1:03am
El caso de - Eneydi TorresAunque la industria farmacéutica creadora del sida rutinariamente suele citar el caso de Andre Parenzee (2006 Australia ) como una victoria penal ganada,hay un caso menos conocido.Es el de Eneydi Torres, de 42años - que se enfrentaban a un máximo de quince años de prisión este año para exponer al parecer cuatro hombres con el VIH – pero la industria farmacéutica del sida ha dejado de hablar de este caso.¿Por qué?Al igual que Willie Campbell y Philippe Padeau, Eneydi Torres se enfrentó a quince años por exponer supuestamentea varios hombres al contagio VIH . Pero a diferencia de, Campbell y el caso Padeau,el caso de Torres se complicó por la defensa de abogado competente y un fallo reciente de la Corte Suprema de los EE.UU. que requirieron que los fiscales la demostrasen que las pruebas del VIH son fiables y que los acusados están realmente infectados con una enfermedad infecciosa.Una vez que se dieron cuenta de que no tenían ningún caso, los fiscales redujeron la pena inicial de quince años en una prisión estatal a lo que equivalía a cinco días de libertad condicional sin supervisión. Si bien preparados para una sentencia absolutoria, la Sra. Torres accedió a pagar una pequeña multa y asistió a una clase corta que incluyó una hora de la propaganda oficialista del VIH.Aunque el resultado de la Sra.Torres no es perfecto, ilustra cuán fácil se pueden ganar los casos penales de VIH, cuando el abogado defensor no comparte la estafa sostenida del VIH. Al obligar a los fiscales que probasen de que forma el VIH ataca las células y causa una enfermedad infecciosa que podría extenderse.El abogado de la Sra. Torres demostró que la fiscalía nunca tuvo caso alguno.A pesar de esta victoria, hombres inocentes como Campbell y Padeau probablemente pasará el resto de sus vidas en la cárcel por aceptar una teoría científica NO comprobada.Aunque otros sigan siendo imputados en varios estados por la difusión de esta falsa enfermedad, el caso de la Sra. Torres demuestra como la acusación de los payasos de Big Pharma puede ser desmontada por un abogado competente y un brillante interrogatorio en un tribunal incorruptible.Publicado por Clean Hands en 06:02Tomado desde: a las 19:00 horas del 28 de diciembre del 2009VERSION EN INGLÉSWhen outspoken AIDS activists Martin Delany, Hank Wilson, Ferd Eggan, Belynda Dunn, Joe Carroccio, George Sanderson and Howard Jacobs died, their cohorts hardly mentioned that they all succumbed to drug-caused liver cancers. But when outspoken HIV skeptic Christine Maggiore passed away in December 2008, Seth Kalichman, John Moore, Jeanne Bergman and other PharmaSluts falsely marketed her death as AIDS-related.For nearly a year, they parroted the false claims on thousands of heterophobic blogs – most of which are directly or indirectly funded by the pharmaceutical industry. For example, a visit to The Body will cram your browser with drug advertising and gay activism.For an industry that routinely spends billions settling criminal complaints and pushing deadly drugs to children and minorities, disinformation is a vital component of their marketing plans. Without this propaganda and the complicit media, Americans would know that infectious diseases (including HIV) are statistically irrelevant in the US, Europe, Australia and South Africa.We would also know that millions of Americans are injured or killed each year by untested drugs, preventable medical errors, adverse drug reactions by the pharmaceutical industry’s ongoing criminal behavior and systemic incompetence.If the Media regularly reported these facts, taxpayers would not waste billions of dollars on the CDC, NIH, research centers and universities that market unproven cures for mythical dangers like H1N1, HIV, HPV and CO2.Despite the propaganda, Christine Maggiore – like her daughter and millions of other Americans – died from an adverse drug reaction:Christine suffered fatal renal failure caused by antibiotics, antiviral, and calcium received during the 9 days prior to her death.So it’s no surprise that, despite his considerable qualifications, the PharmaSluts have attacked Dr. Al-Bayati as unqualified, although few (if any) of his accusers have ever qualified in a real court to render evidence-based opinions. Not only does Dr. Al-Bayati routinely qualify as an expert in criminal matters throughout the US, but he routinely exposes flaws in medical evidence that would otherwise be used to convict innocent people.As did Ms. Maggiore before her unexpected death, Dr. Al-Bayati represents a significant threat to the makers of HIV tests and drugs. When HIV is put on trial in criminal matters, prosecutors will require the PharmaSluts to prove that their tests are reliable and explain exactly when, where, how and who proved that HIV attacks cells and causes AIDS. Without this evidence, the expert will not qualify and the prosecution’s case will collapse.Florida vs. Eneydi TorresAlthough the PharmaSluts routinely cite the Australian case against Andre Parenzee (2006) as a criminal victory, the lesser-known case of Eneydi Torres, 42 – who faced up to fifteen years in prison this year for allegedly exposing four men to HIV – has left them silent.Like Willie Campbell and Philippe Padeau, Torres faced up to fifteen years for allegedly exposing several men to HIV. The prosecution’s case would have been winnable except that, unlike the Parenzee, Campbell and Padeau cases, Torres was complicated by a competent defense attorney and a recent US Supreme Court ruling that requires prosecutors to prove that HIV tests are reliable and that defendants are actually infected with an infectious disease.Not only did attorney Baron Coleman require prosecutors to connect the double- and triple-hearsay reports of HIV positivity to the defendant years before the alleged crimes, but he also planned to call the scientifically-confused cast members from House of Numbers to explain themselves under oath. For example:* Nancy Padian, MD – on why female-to-male HIV transmission is almost impossible* John P. Moore, PhD – on how his alleged pandemic has never been statistically relevant in the US (and Europe, Australia and South Africa)* Robert Gallo, MD – on exactly how he proved that HIV attacks cells and causes AIDSEven if Ms. Torres believed that she was infected with HIV AND knowingly or deliberately exposed her unsuspecting victims, Mr. Coleman refused to allow his client to plead to much more than a dismissal.Once they realized that they had no case, prosecutors reduced their initial offer of fifteen years in state prison to what amounted to five days of unsupervised probation. Although prepared for an acquittal, Ms. Torres agreed to pay a small fine and attended a short class that featured an hour of HIV propaganda.Although the outcome wasn’t perfect, Torres illustrates how easily criminal HIV cases can be won when defense counsel doesn’t stipulate to propaganda. By forcing prosecutors to prove that HIV attacks cells and causes an infectious disease that someone could actually spread, Torres proved that prosecutors never had a case to begin with.Despite this win, factually innocent men like Campbell and Padeau will likely spend the rest of their lives in prison for nothing more than accepting an unproven scientific theory.Although others continue to be charged in various states for spreading this fake disease, Torres shows that - when questioned by competent counsel in uncorruptible courts - the PharmaSluts will prove to be the same clowns that House of Numbers proves them to be.Posted by ex-Hollywood Liberal at 5:20 AMLabels: AIDS, Belynda Dunn, criminal, Ferd Eggan, George Sanderson, Hank Wilson, HIV, House of Numbers, Howard Jacobs, Jeanne Bergman, Joe Carroccio, John P. Moore, Martin Delany, Seth KalichmanTomado desde: alas 19:03 del 27 de diciembre del 2009
Me consiguieron una demanda que sucedió en Argentina muy parecida a esta